Jesus Christ
Devotional Bible Lessons
The birth of Jesus started in Genesis
This Christmas devotion gives a quick but inspiring history of Genesis 3:15 - which is where the promise of a Savior began. It traces the descendant from Genesis 3:15 through history to Bethlehem. The foretold birth of our Savior is explained through the prophecies themselves.
The Child born on Christmas is Mighty God and Eternal Father
This Christmas devotion talks about what it meant for Jesus (the God of the universe) to step out of eternity and to be born so He could become one of us. It does this by: explaining Philippians 2:6-8 in detail; by speculating what it meant for Jesus who is God to become an embryo, a fetus, helpless new born and so on. It explains at length what He did for us on this earth because He loves us.
The Christmas Principle
This Christmas devotion describes the meaning of Christmas from various angles, some very meaningful and all very informative. It defines the true meaning of Christmas. It shares how and why Christmas is so important to everyone. It especially emphasizes what it means for God to dwell in us. The illustrations are personal.
Who is Jesus Christ of the Holy Bible
This important devotion explains Who Jesus Christ is from God's Word by looking at Jesus' characteristics. It discusses how vital it is we know who the Jesus is we are putting our faith in. This is because to be saved from our sins we need to believe in, the Jesus Christ of the Holy Bible, not some human author's invented or imagined Jesus. It explains specifically what Philippians 2:6-8 means especially what it meant for Jesus to become man but still be God. It talks at length about what it meant for Jesus to be born, live and die for us. It does this by comparing Jesus' life on this earth to Jesus' characteristics as God.
Rejoice! Jesus rose from the dead (NEW)
This Easter devotional explains why we can know Jesus was dead from scripture so we can know He rose from the dead. It describes what Jesus knew and had to endure from crucifixion; an illustration from the movie, The Passion of Christ.
Short Devotions from Gini's Heart
Jesus Christ reveals God to us!
In this short devotion, from my personal love of creation, you are taught that Jesus Christ reveals God and challenged to learn about the One who loves us so much - Jesus!
Do you feel alone in a crowd?
In this short devotion, from the trials of relationship ups and downs - you are encouraged by the fact that Jesus is never too busy for you and you are never alone because Jesus is always there.
The unopened gift from God
In this short devotion, using an example from this previous Christmas – you are challenged to open God’s greatest gift, or if you already have, then to treat Him as God’s most precious gift to you.
The Virgin Mary waited for Baby Jesus. Did you realize Jesus waits for you?
In this short Christmas devotion, from our families personal experience of waiting for our new grandson - you will be enlightened regarding Mary's thoughts and feelings as she waits for Baby Jesus, and even more importantly how God has waited for you to be His.
The Christmas Child, the Holy Spirit, and the heater
In this short Christmas devotion, from a personal experience, you are challenged with whether or not you are letting the Holy Spirit empower you.