prayer angels


God's Word


Short Devotions from Gini's Heart

Do you eat God's Word daily?

In this short devotion, from my daily eating of God's Word - you are challenged to read, study, and memorize God's words daily like you would eat your daily food.


Are you a good fig or a bad fig (Jeremiah 24)?

In this short devotion, from Jeremiah 24 - you are encouraged to make sure you are listening to God instead of listening to whoever or whatever is to your liking.


Do you like your ears itched with God's Word?

In this short devotion from 2 Timothy 4:2-4 - you are challenged to want God's truth instead of having you ears itched with teaching that fits your own desires.


Delight in God's Word - Psalm One

In this short devotion, from my tizzy about my dead flowers - you are challenged to make God's Word your first delight, and shown how to do it.


Are your thoughts Biblical on vacation or whenever?

In this short devotion, from my vacation trials - you are encouraged to make sure you are thinking and then doing what God wants instead of what you think He wants.