because of God's love


Life, Death, Heaven, and Resurrection


Devotional Bible Lessons

The Easter factor ... Jesus and our resurrection

This Easter devotion talks about our resurrection and afterlife. It explains why we need to believe in Jesus to give us eternal life in heaven with God, instead of eternal punishment away from God in hell. It clarifies why Jesus had to rise from the dead so we could be raised from the dead. It describes why we are eternal beings at length and what that means. It discusses the resurrection of a Christian in detail along with the rapture and the resurrection of a non-Christian.


Rejoice! Jesus rose from the dead (NEW)

This Easter devotional explains why we can know Jesus was dead from scripture so we can know He rose from the dead. It describes what Jesus knew and had to endure from crucifixion; an illustration from the movie, The Passion of Christ.


Life and death?

This devotion gives answers everyone needs to know about life and death. This devotion talks about the most important thing we need to know - how to have eternal life instead of eternal death and punishment. It gives the salvation message by explaining what eternal life is and where it comes from; and what death is and where it came from. It defines what belief means and what belief in Jesus Christ of the Holy Bible means.


Eternal death is much scarier than Halloween

This Halloween devotion talks about death from all angles. It discusses where and why death came into being along with how to go from eternal death to eternal life. It talks about our soul/spirit and our body and what happens to them after death. It defines death as separation not extinction, because we are eternal beings. It explains what spiritual death means in the framework of God and how to stop being dead to God. It discusses what happens to us after we die physically. It talks about heaven and hell.


Short Devotions from Gini's Heart

There is life after this earthly existence ...even fishing!

In this short devotion, from personal experience in my childhood - Jesus' thousand year reign on this earth is explained using Ezekiel 47 as the basis - to give us complete hope of life after death for all who have believed in Jesus.


Is life the way you long for it to be?

In this short devotion, from my longings of a perfect existence - you are encouraged to make sure you are living with the thought of eternity being your permanent home which should lead you to want to please God.


Can we really ever escape the chaos of this world?

In this short devotion, from my personal daydreams - you are hopefully heartened by the knowledge that someday as a Christian you will be taken away - to be in heaven with Jesus.


Souls and spirits? And what should make you afraid!

In this short devotion, from the perspective of life after death - what the soul and spirit are is defined from what should really make you afraid, this scary time of year.


There is a way that seems right to a man,
but in the end it leads to death! Proverbs 14:12

In this short devotion, from a very personal experience - you are challenged to make sure you know the right way to eternal life, instead of eternal punishment after your death.


Animals will be set free from death.

In this short devotion, from a personal experience - Jesus' death is explained as the future means by which animals will not have to experience the death we human set in motion by our sin.


Rejoice! Since Jesus rose from the dead, you can too!

In this short devotion, from my personal grief - the afterlife and the resurrection are covered from a Christian's perspective.