Love of God
Devotional Bible Study
God loves you and me - a detailed Bible Study
A free Bible study for women on God's love in 8 lessons and an epilogue. Topics include: God's love seen through creation. God's love and our sin. God's love and the death of Jesus Christ. God's love and the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ shows us God's love. God is our loving Father. God's love will never end. God's love empowers us to love. Also includes free MP3 devotions on God's love with each lesson.
Daily Bible Devotional Series
God loves you and me - a daily devotional
The free daily devotional, "God Loves You and Me," consists of 60 daily devotions that are organized under twelve lessons taken from the study on God’s love. Each day covers one or two different ways God loves us. This daily devotional has new insights and additional information, as well as more illustrations than my study about God's love does. It is also being made into a book like the daily devotional The One True God - His Characteristics and Names, so it will evolve on my website as I put the book together. We will try to keep the revision date current.
Devotional Bible Lessons
God's love for us is seen in creation
This devotion talks about God's love for us is seen very clearly through His creation. It discusses how God created us very good and what that means. It explains how we are the pinnacle of God's creation and why He created everything for us to enjoy and to sustain us. It clarifies what it means to be in God's image.
The love of God is described
This Valentines devotion describes God's love. It emphasizes that words of love need to be backed up with acts of love, or a person doesn't feel or think they are loved. It describes God's love as words that are lived out in His actions of love, especially His Son dying for us even though we were His enemies. It defines the Hebrew word for love hesed and the Greek word for love agape. It discusses the meaning of covenant from God's perspective.
Short Devotions from Gini's Heart
Do you love God enough?
In this short devotion, from my personal struggles - the difficulties to loving God is explained and applied to life.