The One True God is Unchanging
Day Fifteen
by Gini Crawford, MSW
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God doesn't change
God is unchangeable or immutable. This means He is always the same. Since God never changes, His promises in His Word are assured to us. What God says is what will happen; He keeps His word. (Isaiah 55:10-11).
For I, the LORD, do not change... / He (God) is not a man that He should change His mind. Malachi 3:6a, 1 Samuel 15:29b NASB®
Do you sometimes feel your salvation isn't certain? Since God never changes, of course this means Jesus Christ's sacrifice will always take away your sins as He has promised it would (1 John 5:11-13). I am very grateful I can completely depend on God never changing His mind about me going to heaven. Are you?
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 NASB®
Trust in the unchanging nature of God
I know it is hard for us to understand someone who never changes. This is because we live in a world that seems to constantly change. Your husband liked the blue dress, so you bought it, then he changes his mind. Your boss tells you to do some research, and then gets frustrated you spent time on it. Your son joined the military, so your house seems empty. The ladies in your support group suggest that you tell your sister to stop calling you, so you do, and then they tell you that is unloving. You need to move to a different state, so there go multiple changes. Even church leaders can say one thing and end up doing another. I don't know about you, but it certainly is hard on me to navigate through a world that is almost completely governed by whims of change.
I am so glad our God never changes; He is our rock. We can trust in Him. (Isaiah 26:3-4). Is God your rock?
God's love is unchanging
God is unchanging, so His love for you will never change. Have you ever loved someone but they were unfaithful to you? God's love is faithful love. He loved you before the world was created. He loved you when you were His enemy. He will love you throughout eternity. (Jeremiah 31:3; Ephesians 1:4). Do you love Him? He loves you.
Who is a God like You...He delights in unchanging love. Micah 7:18 NASB®
What does it mean to you that God's love is unchanging towards you?
Does God change His mind
God doesn't change His mind, but that doesn't mean He is inflexible. God's anger burned over Israel's awful sin, but God listened to Moses and changed His mind over destroying them (Exodus 32:7-14; Jonah 3:10). Does this mean God changes His mind? No! God is eternal and sovereign over all, yet He responds to an individual's needs, attitudes and actions in the present. God knows all things, so of course He would respond to Moses with exactly what was right. We could say, God is never unloving, and deals with every situation through Who He is, not just through His unchanging nature. (Psalm 106:43-46; Romans 8:31-39).
Life Application
The same yesterday and today and forever God
Describe a situation that has frustrated you about change in the world in general or of someone who has changed.
Why would God's unchanging nature give you peace in that frustration?
I am involved in politics, which definitely makes me feel nothing stays the same. In politics, sometimes the change is very good, other times not so good. I find myself quite often thinking this or that situation looks like it is out of control, leading to a devastating state of affairs, but then I remember our all-powerful, all-knowing, all-wise, gracious, patient and merciful God is in control (Jeremiah 29:11). God's unchanging nature gives me peace of mind for the future, no matter who is governing our country (John 16:33).
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